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Kim Lewicki
Publisher Kim Lewicki  - On the summit of Whiteside Mtn. "One of my favorite things to do" Photo: Jim Lewicki


Highlands Newspaper published its first edition July 18, 2003 as the result of me being demoted as news editor of the Highlander Newspaper in Highlands, a C.N.I. owned publication located in Athens, GA. I worked for the Highlander for five years. The demotion terms were that I accept a reporters position at the C.N.I. Franklin Newspaper. The date was June, Friday the 13, 2003. I declined their offer and started the free Highlands Newspaper with my husband Jim that night, the best decision I ever made.

I received my A.A. degree in Journalism from S.U.N.Y. Morrisville and my B.A. in Journalism from the University of Houston.
Jim received an A.S. in Natural Resources & Conservation, at S.U.N.Y.  Morrisville & a B.S. Tech. Ed. University of Houston.

I married Jim on June 7th 1975 at my family home on Crane Neck (Old Field), located in Setauket, NY. (maiden name McClure)
While in Houston I worked for the Houston Post Newspaper as a copy editor and Texas Weekly Magazine as production manager.
After Houston we moved to Charleston, SC. I have two daughters that were born in Charleston at Roper Hospital. We bought a home on  17 Gadsden St. and all lived their until we moved to Highlands in June 1997 and bought a home on 78 Oak St. We remain at 78 Oak St. today, just a very short walk from our newspaper office at 265 Oak St.

Both my daughters graduated from the Highlands School and Appalachian State in Boone NC., Rachel with a B.S. Psychology  and Megan with a B.A. Theatre Arts. Rachel later obtained a culinary degree as a chef from Johnson and Wales Charlotte, NC Megan lives in L.A. and is working on her masters degree at Cal Arts. Rachel lives in Highlands with her three year old son Hudson - my pride and joy - strawberry blonde hair and green eyes just like me.

I feel fortunate that we were able to raise our children in a place like Highlands. Both daughters went on the annual Bolivia mission trip at the ages of 15 and 17. Neither had ever flown before and the first time would be to the southern hemisphere and a third world impoverished  country. That trip taught them how lucky they really are. The next year Megan went as the Highlands Rotary exchange student to Chambery France for a year. The opportunities that Highlands has offered my children has forged and tempered them into the independent, educated, resilient, young ladies that they are today.

My father was born and raised in Waynesville, NC about 50 miles from Highlands. I often feel proud of my Scotch-Irish, Western Carolina Mountain roots. Dad moved to N.Y. City where he was a commercial artist after the war. I have many of his paintings hanging on my walls. One of my favorites is of his mother Willsey Hyatt McClure, a real mountain lady, that lived to be over 100 years old. I know if Dad was still alive he would be drawing illustrations for our newspaper today and enjoying publishing the newspaper every week as much as I do.

Highlands Newspaper is free to everyone except for Jim and I. Lord knows we're not getting rich publishing the newspaper, but it is gratifying to be part of a community like Highlands and to be able to help people in need. We do not charge people for fund raisers if they have cancer or their home burns down. Obits are also published for free and if a small mom and pop business falls on hard times we wait until they can pay and often give them free or extra ads to help them over the rough times.

To all our advertisers - Thank You - There would be no Highlands Newspaper without your ads and support. To our readers - Please support our advertisers. Shop locally and support the folks that support us and a special Thanks to Kevin Drake at the Herald Journal in Spartanburg, SC - The place that prints our newspaper in full color ever week without fail. / Sincerely, Kim Lewicki



Highlands Newspaper LLC


265 Oak St., P.O. Box 2703, Highlands, North Carolina, 28741
Toll Free Fax # 866-212-8913
Publisher-Owner Kim Lewicki | Circulation, Digital Media & Owner Jim Lewicki
Highlands Chamber of Commerce Member



The most circulated & read publication about Highlands in our area.


 5/6/13 - New Distribution Inside Rack @ Reeves Ace Hardware - 3'd & Main St. Highlands



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Highlands most read & circulated publication.

"Our Community Service - A Free Local Highlands Newspaper"

Circulation: 10,000 weekly


Highlands' Newspaper - Click Here For This Weeks PDF Edition


"Life in the mountains." Jim & Kim - June 7, 2009 - 34th Anniversary - Waterrock Knob Mile Post 451 Blue Ridge Parkway Elevation 5,882


If you have a business located in Highlands, Cashiers, Lake Glenville, Sapphire Valley, Scaly Mtn., Franklin & Dillsboro contact us today about advertising. We offer banner ad links on our Internet Directory and/or display ads in our weekly Highlands Newspaper - Call 828-526-3228 or Email Now


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Internet Banner Ads Begin @ $250. Annual



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5/31/13 - Stono River, SC - Hudson our youngest reporter & publisher Kim Lewicki


Highlands Newspaper - Click Here For This Weeks PDF Edition


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