#1 Peeks Creek Area | #2 Hwy. 64 Wash Out Area
Macon County Press Release Officials in Macon County North Carolina say their emergency responders are still in rescue mode after a devastating flood and landslide hit the small community of Peek’s Creek in Franklin, NC. Rescue crews are currently working in the Peek’s Creek area to account for all residents there and a missing persons hotline has been established at 349-2081. There are now four confirmed fatalities and one individual listed in critical condition. The fatalities are 2 white females in their fifties, one white male child, and an unborn infant of approximately 28 weeks gestation. Property damage in the Peek’s Creek area was extensive. F.E.M.A. representatives were onsite in Macon County today assessing the Peek’s Creek area in order to make a determination as to whether Macon County will be considered for federal disaster assistance. Other areas in Macon County are still recovering from extensive flooding, downed trees, and power lines. As of 5 p.m. on Saturday, Duke Power reported an estimated 6800 customers were still without power. A Disaster Assistance Center is being established at the Macon County Human Services Building on Lakeside Drive in Franklin. The Disaster Assistance Center will open at 12 noon on Sunday the 19t to offer help for residents with disaster-caused needs. The center will be staffed by the American Red Cross, various county agencies, and mental health representatives. In addition, case workers from the American Red Cross are arriving in Macon County Saturday night to help families in need. As of 5 pm on Saturday, the shelter at Cartoogechaye School was closed. Meals and bottled water are being served at First Baptist Church in Franklin. Breakfast is served from 7-8 a.m, lunch at 11:30 and dinner from 5:30 to 7. First Baptist Church is also accepting cash donations for flood relief . First, if you have a public or private well that has been under flood water, it may be contaminated by coliform bacteria. Once the flood water has receded from the well and power is restored, the tap water must be tested for coliform bacteria. Public Service Announcement Macon County Emergency Services has established a volunteer reception center at the Macon County Department on Aging for the purpose of accepting volunteer assistance for those suffering losses from the severe weather. The Department on Aging is located at 125 Hyatt Road in the Wal-Mart Shopping Center. Hours of operation will be Saturday Sept. 18th and Sunday, Sept. 19th from noon to 5 pm. Assistance is needed with clean-up services, clean-up materials, food for volunteers and emergency service workers, and many other tasks. In addition, a donations center is being established at the old county maintenance shed on the old Murphy Road. Hours of operation for the donations center will be Sat. Sept. 18th and Sunday, September 19th from noon to 6 pm. Items being accepted include bottled water, non-perishable foods, clean-up materials, baby diapers and supplies, toys, soap, and Clorox. Clothing is not being accepted at this time. If you are an individual or family in need of assistance or would like to make a donation, please call 349-2058.
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